Our Services


We're a flexible team focused on finding the right solution for your environment. Below you will find the services which most customers request. Contact us anytime if you think you require a bespoke solution or need references of previous work.


Specialist Auditing & Reporting
Audits help identify where you can make the greatest gains the quickest. They cover space, design, policy, equipment, efficiency, procurement, waste, and any other relevant areas to improved sustainability. Findings are summarized into clear reports, which include estimates on energy savings, payback periods, recommended methods, rationale, and summarized project lists. 

Workshop Delivery and Lecturing
Want your staff and students to learn how to implement green lab principles locally? Get in touch and we can conduct workshops and lectures for anyone involved with a laboratory (including sustainability professionals). Workshops and lectures will empower your team to ensure the best results possible when it comes to sustainable and green labs.

Project Management
Should you require a dedicated expert to achieve recommendations or a particular project, Green Lab Associates can assist. Hire a team member for a set period to achieve a specified project or set of goals. This will allow you to skip the learning curve associated with some of the more complicated areas, and ensure the quickest implementation of your project. Examples include supporting a refurbishment or building design, a local engagement campaign, policy implementation, or equipment upgrades.

Policy & Design
For long-term impacts, policies and design guidance need to be reviewed and improved. Get expert advice on policy content, strategy, and more. Areas covered include H&S, procurement/tenders, space, facility design, and research quality. We can also assist in maximizing benefits from existing schemes like BREEAM, SKA, and of course LEAF as we helped write the latter.
